Make it faster!

Make it faster!

Speed and reliability testing (load / stress / performance testing). This test helps to check a behaviour of websites (or its parts) at the same time with an influx of a lot of users. Poor performance (speed) - this is the main issue of many Internet projects. You can build really cool useful site, but low performance could decreased all your achievements.

How to build education platform for ISTQB exam preparation.

How to build education platform for ISTQB exam preparation.

Our company has 6 years of experience in the education specifically in the field of software testing, including preparation for the ISTQB certification. With extensive experience of teaching in groups, we are faced with the fact that one of the biggest problem is lack of time. It is very difficult to find time to practice, which will be convenient for all group members.

How not to lose a good idea?

How not to lose a good idea?

How much time has passed from the initial idea to its implementation? Most often it is a lot of time, which can be divided into three stages: The emergence of the idea => Design idea as a model => Practical implementation. I propose to focus on the second and third steps. Often a good idea has not leading to implementation is due to a poor study of the main ways for implementation. Losing a good idea or its underestimation can been critical.

Tester's Day

Tester's Day

Happy Tester's Day! Be proud of being Tester!...and don't forget to celebrate! What importance does September 9 have to people in IT? Well, we just wouldn’’t be using “a bug” or “debugging” terms without this date. If you haven't heard about Tester's day then read this! It is 70 years since the first bug was found.